Free Web Monitoring: Your Free Web Site Monitoring Service

Terms of Service

Your use of ("Free Web Monitoring") website and monitoring service constitutes your acceptance of the terms of service below including any modifications that we make.

Limitation of Liability

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Free Web Monitoring for any liability, loss, and damage arising from or in connection with the Free Web Monitoring website or monitoring service. Such limitation of liability shall apply to prevent recovery of direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special and exemplary damages, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Free Web Monitoring website or monitoring service (including such damages incurred by third parties). Free Web Monitoring takes no responsibility, directly, indirectly or consequentially, for the content or the suitability of the information contained in Free Web Monitoring website or website monitoring service (including failures or omissions with regard to email alerts and weekly statistics reports).


The Free Web Monitoring website and monitoring service is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and the performance of the Free Web Monitoring website and monitoring service is assumed by the user, and in no event will Free Web Monitoring be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages suffered in the course of using the Free Web Monitoring website or monitoring service.

Contact Information

Free Web Monitoring reserves the right to use the contact information collected with your consent during sign up to provide our free newsletter included with your weekly statistics, to deliver email alerts, to deliver notices regarding changes or updates to our service, to inform you of additions to the GreenWave Online Network of websites, or to send announcements and carefully screened offers and information on behalf of our partners or advertisers.

You may remove yourself from all email alerts, notices and announcements using the unsubscribe methods provided in those mailings. Any mailing received from our company is clearly identified and includes at least 2 methods to remove yourself from future mailings. Please note, when you unsubscribe you will be removing your Free Web Monitoring membership and website monitoring service.

Email Alerts and Weekly Statistics Reports

Members who cannot receive email alerts or weekly statistics reports due to email filters, third party email filters (including ISP email filters) and closed or disabled email accounts will be automatically unsubscribed from the Free Web Monitoring website monitoring service.

Cellphone Text Message Alerts

Cellphone text message alerts are currently only available for US and some Canadian cellphones. Some providers charge you to receive SMS text messages and Free Web Monitoring is not responsible for these charges. Examine your service agreement closely before providing us with your cellphone information.

Privacy Policy

You will review and agree to the Free Web Monitoring privacy policy.


The Free Web Monitoring Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Manitoba and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.